ideo testimonials is one of the most efficient and powerful marketing tools. Matter of fact, 79% of the people have watched a video testimonial to find out more about a company product or service. 9 out of 10 people will say they trust what the customer says about a business more than what the business says about itself. With high quality video testimonials, we are able to build a trust and credibility, have a better emotional connection with the potential customers, and have a human like branding. Overall, in this video, I'm going to show you a powerful tool to help you collect and display the video testimonials seamlessly from your customers.

What is SocialJuice?

The app we're going to review today is called the SocialJuice. Social Juice allows you to collect and share testimonials, specifically video testimonials and to boost your trust sales and conversions on their website. Conventionally, we collect testimonial and display them in a written format. With proper app and software, we can easily collect and display testimonial from the old school written format into the modern video format. That really make your brand stand out even more.

If you want to try it out, click here to sign up for SocialJuice today!

After collecting the video testimonial, you can display them like a gallery or wall on any website builder such as: 

  • Webflow
  • Notion
  • Wordpress
  • Wix
  • Squarespace
  • etc

As long as your web builder supports HTML code, you're able to embed them on your website. With that being said now, let's quickly talk about the pricing and the plan Social Juice has to offer.


Social Juice has a free account that supports 1 space. If you have a whole bunch of companies or different businesses, you might want to dedicate different space for each one of them. For the free plan you can collect unlimited written testimonial and up to two video testimonials. For the first paid starter plan, you get to collect up to 30 video testimonials and you can use your own branding, your logo, your colors. Most importantly, you can use your own CNAME.

With the CNAME and your own branding, you can basically white label this entire app so no one can tell you're using Social Juice to collect testimonials. This way, whoever comes to this website, you can collect testimonials on this page and everything is white labeled. And for the pro plan, you can see you can have up to 3 spaces. You can collect up to 150 video testimonials and invite 3 of your team members to your social justice accounts. So with that being said now let's quickly fire up our Social Juice account. I want to show you how this entire app works.

Easy Setup

Once you log into your Social Juice account, the first thing you want to do is create a brand new space. Simply enter your company or brand name and then your public link. This is the link. We're going to forward it to our customers to collect video testimonials. From there, click on Create Space. That's all you need to do. (Quickly shout out to the Social Juice Developer Team. They really made this entire process seamless, super easy to use and really modern dashboard.)

Features & Settings

The first thing we're going to do, let's come to space settings.

For video testimonial, you can let the audience to pre-record a video and upload it directly or you can force them to record it live. This way the video testimonials you collect are more raw and more organic. For duration you can do up to 3 minutes or 5 minutes. Personally, 3 minutes is more than enough because everyone has a short attention span nowadays. Also Social Juice doesn't restrict you with video testimonial. You can still get the written testimonial, you just want to allow the customers to enter any story as a written format and from there you can redirect them after that written testimonial to an external source such as Trustpilot, Google or G2, etc.

For branding wise, you can do dark mode or light mode. You can change the accent color. Simply match your own branding color. You can upload your own logo. Or if you have a background image you want to use, you can upload them directly (maximum 2MB). I'm on paid plan, which means I get to hide Social Juice branding. Otherwise there will be a logo at the bottom of the page.

Scroll down all the way at the bottom you can see custom domain. This is where you enter your domain name. You want to create a CNAME in your DNS record. And the target, you want to set to [collect.socialjuice.io]. That's all you need to do, give it a save.

Now all your Social Juice account will show your own subdomain such as [testimonials.yourdomain.com]. Right before we get into the rest of the settings, I want to quickly show you what the shared page link looks like. Here is how the page looks like:

Keep that in mind, that I literally opened this app less than a few minutes ago. Now I'm already all set and I can start collecting the video testimonials. There's different ways you can collect the testimonial either by sharing this link to your audience via email and social channel or there's a really cool and creative way which is QR scan.

Now let's quickly come to the QR code method. You can see here's the QR code it generated for us. And we can modify the foreground and the background of the QR code to match with your branding color. So think about it, some people do public speaking or live events.

Testimonial Collection Made Easy

The best way to collect testimonials at the live event is actually display a QR code. So everyone can pull up their mobile phone and use their camera app to scan the QR code and get them straight into the testimonial collection page. And now let's quickly come back to Space Settings testimonial page. Here is how you change the verbiage and the copy on the testimonial collection page so it will update accordingly.

From there we have a personal information. You can ask for email address and make it mandatory. However, if you want to do anonymous testimonial collection, you might want to toggle this option off. And from there you can ask for job title. You can also ask for a company name. If this is B2B testimonial collection, you can turn this on. In my case, I'm going to turn it off.

Lastly, all the way at the bottom you can see this is a new feature called Ask for Star Review. Basically, after entering the testimonial, the users review rating will be displayed at the bottom right corner or the gallery. Everyone is familiar with these stars rating (think about Amazon, Google, etc. Imagine all your testimonials are showing 5 star. There's a really strong psychological and subconscious signal to your potential customers.

How to Collect Video Testimonials

I want to show you how to use QR code to collect testimonial. And we're going to upload a few testimonials. From there, I want to show you how gallery and how to embed everything onto your website. So you can see I'm using my camera app to point at the QR code. You can see that yellow sign on my phone screen. You give that a tap, it will automatically load this testimonial page.

From there I'm going to click on Record button to record a video testimonial and you can see there's a few tips for them to record a good quality testimonial. I really like the verbiage here because end of the day people might feel a little bit camera shy, some people might not feel comfortable just record themselves, by using the verbiage or copy to make them more relaxed (for example, "Hey, you got this! Don't worry if you screwed it up, you can always rewatch the video or redo it again).

This copy really make them to have that relaxed mental state. To record a video from their tips is maximum 3 minutes, quiet room and a brightly lit. Once you're ready, click on Record testimonial.

And now I'm able to record my testimonials into this recording and then once I'm done with it, click on Pause or Stop and then I can watch this entire video again or just say use this video, I'm ready to upload and publish this video testimonial. Now let's click on continue to the last step.

This video has been uploaded to Social Juice and I can see right we have the option to give star review and I enter my name and email address. And most important thing here is a release form. You want to be able to use this video for your marketing and branding purpose (to be able to display it on your website). That's why you need to have some sort of agreement which is really important to give consent in order to use this video for your own business use.

Organize and Approve Testimonials

When everything is finished, click on Send Testimonial and that's it. The entire process is super seamless, super easy.

Now once the testimonial has been submitted and uploaded, it will immediately show up on your overview window inside of Social Juice dashboard. You can see the person's name, email address, the location, the star rating and then you can choose this as a favorite or we can archive and delete it.

If you want to have an archive of video testimonials and store them on your hard drive or cloud drive for future use, you can always click on Download video file as MP4 or you can download animated GIF thumbnail. If I hover my mouse you can see that's how the GIF looks like and then at the bottom it will show you a little bit on the timestamp and the consent which is video release form submitted correctly.

Once everything is done, you watch the video you like it, everything is good quality, it fits your standard. Now the last step you want to do is come to the top right corner. You can see testimonial right now is private. Make sure you give that a toggle to turn it on. You can see now this testimonial is public and it's approved.

Now, you are able to come to embed carousel for the embed settings. What I want to do is that I want to hide a company name and you can hide the arrow, you can hide the dot, hide the personal image, etc. A whole bunch of things you can tweak here. If you still need some help with embedding this code, they have a few guide and instructions to help you embed it to these website builders.

Once the setting is all done, now click on Copy the Snippets. You can always click on Preview. This is how it shows up on your landing page or your home site.

Now come to any web builder or funnel builder. You can insert HTML code section on your page and paste the entire snippet (iframe code) in the box and click on Save and Publish. That's how you're able to embed and display the testimonial collection as a wall onto your landing page or home site.

Final Thoughts

And that is a wrap up of this detailed review and tutorial on SocialJuice. And now questions back to you guys. What do you think about social juice? Do you see yourself or your business using it? What are the pros and cons that you experienced so far?

If you want to give it a shot, click here to sign up for SocialJuice today!

They have a pretty generous free plan. Personally, I will definitely utilize this for myself and my clients. Video Testimonial again is one of the most powerful and efficient tool to tell a story right. End of the day, your potential customers want to hear other customers story. The transformation, the results they had with your product or service. So that's the power of testimonial on a video format.

This is Tario signing out. I'll see you guys in the next one.


Posted by
Tario Sultan

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